In this 8-week Healing Inner Child Program that is guided by a trained facilitator, you will learn how to give your needy inner child the nurturing attention it has always wanted. As you participate in the Healing Inner Child Program, you will learn to pay attention to what your needy inner child says, thinks, feels and how it behaves. You will learn to observe it with detachment and compassion, realizing you can transform and heal it with the help of your Higher Self.

In the supportive environment of a group or one on one, you will learn that you are not alone and have a choice to perceive your situation differently. The shared experiences and activities provide a rich opportunity to release limiting fears and bring more unconditional love into your life.

Included is a workbook with eight lessons that can be a journal of your inner child healing. Weekly focus cards and a guided audio meditation (a male & female voice version) will help you bring your inner child issues to your Higher Self for transformation. What you learn can apply to any relationship — your spouse, significant other, co-worker, friend or relative.

The topics of the 8 weekly sessions are:

  1. Nurturing Your Inner Child — Becoming Your Needy Inner Child’s Nurturing Parent
  2. The Inner Critical Parent — Replacing Self-Criticism with Self-Nurturing
  3. Inner Child Baggage — Recognizing & Healing Self-Destructive Thoughts
  4. Connecting with Higher Self — Learning to Connect Your Inner Child with Inner Wisdom
  5. Transforming Fear — Recognizing Needy Inner Child Cries for Love
  6. Stop, Look & Listen — Paying Attention to Who Is in Charge
  7. Healing Relationships — Seeing Through the Needy Inner Child to Light Essence
  8. Simple, Uncomplicated Love — Expanding Your Identity to Being Love

This program is offered as a group or privately one on one.

The fee for this 8 week program is $595 in a group setting and Guided by Spirit if you choose to do this program one on one.  The program includes 8 sessions,  workbook, meditation CD and laminated focus cards.

See the full description of the Healing Inner Child Program at Pathways of Light. 

Mary Lu Buie Services

Teaching the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

  • Introduction to Miracles Practice
  • Remembering to Choose Peace
  • Special Relationships vs. Holy Relationships
  • Teacher of God
  • You Are in Heaven Now