Spiritual Counseling

Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling
If you knew who walked with you in the way you have chosen you would never be afraid. ~ A Course in Miracles

As a A Course in Miracles – Pathways of Light certified Accessing Inner Wisdom Counselor I love facilitating the Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling!

If you are looking for more personal attention in a one on one setting this process helps you access your Inner Guidance to heal your mind, remove the blocks and move with ease and grace through whatever is challenging you. We can work together in person via zoom or phone. email me at [email protected] to request a no cost discovery session.

Below is a short video from Pathways of Light will help you learn more about the process.

The Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling sets the stage for you to take a look at unconscious “thought clusters” which may be behind the discomfort you are experiencing. After this is brought fully into conscious awareness, your counselor will help you get back in touch with your inner peace.
This opens the door to let through the knowledge of your Higher Wisdom help you see the reality surrounding the fear, tension, anxiety or lack of peace. With the help of your Higher Wisdom, your perception is healed. You are able to see clearly again. You are able to break through the self-created barriers and take an important step in your awakening process.
In the Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling session, you are helped at your own pace to discover Inner Wisdom in the most loving and accepting way possible. You are guided to tap your inner resources and open your channels of inner communication.
As part of this counseling, you will receive an Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling Sheet. It provides a record of your goal for the session, what thoughts may block achieving your goal, and the insight received from your Higher Wisdom. This Wisdom will help you see this area of your life with greater awareness.

Typical Fee: 1 to 1-1/2 hr., $120
Email Mary Lu to schedule a conversation – [email protected]

As a Pathways of Light Minister I facilitate Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling and Courses to help you awaken spiritually.

My emphasis is always in meeting you where you are to help you find the way that works best for you in hearing your own Inner Wisdom; to find the answers that are right for you.

I am committed to creating a safe, open and comfortable space for you to explore and share.

You can send an email to [email protected] and request to connect with me by phone. There is no charge for this initial conversation.

Mary Lu Buie Services

Teaching the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

  • Introduction to Miracles Practice
  • Remembering to Choose Peace
  • Special Relationships vs. Holy Relationships
  • Teacher of God
  • You Are in Heaven Now